Why You Only Match With Big Girls On Tinder

Most men know the feeling.

You grow bored of the lonely nights of coming home from work to an empty apartment and a frozen pizza.

Thinking, “It might be nice to meet a cute girl”, you download Tinder, with high expectations.

“Maybe I’ll even ‘get lucky’”, you muse to yourself.

When you create a new profile, the Tinder algorithm shows you smoking hot bikini models and IG baddies for the first few swipes.

You get excited at all the gorgeous possibilities, right at your fingertips.

Soon, however, the beautiful women that you'd LOVE to go out with get fewer and farther between.

Before you know it, you're wading through photos of women you find... undesirable, at best.

Dating Apps Are Like Slot Machines

They’re rigged for MOST men to lose.

In fact, the majority of men get VERY FEW matches on dating apps, if they get any at all. 

Lots of men report even getting ZERO matches, for weeks at a time.

Ultimately, men get discouraged, and give up.

Such rejection is enough to wound any guys ego.

He starts to feel desperate.

This is why men use the technique of "suicide swiping"- swiping right on EVERY profile, without even looking at the photos.

When you finally hit something: "YOU MATCHED WITH ____!", it can feel like winning at the blackjack tables in Vegas.

Unfortunately, the matches that most average guys get are depressing. 

Here's WHY average guys mostly get zero, or unattractive matches, on dating apps, and what YOU can do about it.

👉⓵ Beautiful Women On Apps Are Fake

Many of the smoking hot profiles on apps are bots, women trying to sell their premium Snap, or fake. 

The US federal government actually SUED Match.com (owner of Tinder & Bumble etc) for fraud, because the company purposely used fake profiles to lure men into paying for subscriptions.

👉⓶ The 90/10 Rule

If you take out bots, fake profiles, and women only using the app to market their OnlyFans, there are as many as 10 men for every 1 woman on Tinder. 


Most men wouldn’t bother to go to a party or a club with 100 dudes, but only 10 women, yet the same guys sign up for Tinder, and complain when they get the obvious result.

Women have a TON of choice, and they are using it to select ONLY the most attractive men available.

Can you blame them?

If you had your pick of MULTIPLE hot women throwing themselves at you, would you care about the average women that might be “nice”, or would you focus on the most beautiful women available to you?

We all know the answer.

👉③ Bigger Women Are As Desperate As Men

The reason why all your Tinder matches are larger sized is because they are desperate as you are.

You’ve already heard the the top 80% of women are ALL pursuing the top 10% of men.

That leaves the women with fewer options no choice but to lower themselves to match with you.

Honestly, she’s probably not that excited either.

What Can You Do?

If you’re reading this article, chances are you are a



“okay-looking” guy.

Your grandma probably says you’re handsome.

However, modern women have more options and higher standards than your doting grandmother could ever have dreamed of, in her day.

Women can DM celebrities, athletes, Arab sheiks, and multi-millionaire businessmen, with a few taps of their thumbs.

They have a dizzying array of high quality men to choose from.

Every one of those ripped, famous, wealthy men is your competition in the global pursuit of pussy.

Man Up

I won’t sugar coat it.

If you are not getting the relationships and sex you desire from women, it’s because you’re not attractive enough.

Women know a good thing when they see it.

They have no problem making themselves available, or outright approaching a man they find sexually desirable.

If this isn’t happening to you, it’s a sign.

Women are excellent tools of self-enlightenment, because they are never going to feel sorry for, coddle, or sympathize with men.

No woman on Earth, no matter how sweet and kind she may be, is ever going to welcome you to date or sleep with her because she feels sorry for you.

A man either qualifies, or he doesn’t.

Women are harsh judges who display no mercy in their ruthless evaluation.

Attraction Is A Skill

The Good News is that if you’re reading this, you’re alive.

If you’re alive, you have the ability to start changing the daily habits and tactics you’re using now, that don’t work to attract women.

You can start RIGHT NOW, learning techniques and skills that attract women to you like a magnet.

If you’re fed up with a life of

NO female companionship,

NO emotional intimacy,

and worst of all,

NO sex,

Let’s change that IMMEDIATELY, and start creating the life you want.